At ESG we develop web based sites and applications both for public or private use.
To be most effective, an application or website needs to dovetail with a company's offline strategies and must take into account internal organizational workflow, external issues like availability and user-friendliness, and the touchpoints between interactive and offline initiatives.
Often, web initiatives influence changes in business practices. Our online solutions include:
● Professional design services
● Interactive strategy
● Web Development
● Multimedia Development
● Database driven sites and applications
● Content Management Systems
● Rich Internet Applications
● Online Collection/Payment Services
● Charity & Donation Solutions
● E-commerce
We work with organizations to define objectives and develop websites and interactive tools to achieve them. Our clients range from advertising agencies to financial services firms; from manufacturing companies to educational institutions. They include private companies, public companies, governments, NGOs and not-for-profit organizations. Since each client is unique in character and purpose, we create distinctive websites and strategies.

We think of technology as a vehicle to deliver the experience to the user. We've built, integrated and customized various interactive technologies -- from ecommerce, content, and continuity to database, workflow and information gathering. This allow us to select and implement the most appropriate technology for each project.
We tailor technology so that thechnology will never come between you and your customer.
A project is not considered successful unless it achieves the goals outlined by the strategy. We use a simple, proven, easily adapted process:
● Analysis [Listen]
● Design [Create]
● Implement [Execute]
● Refine [Monitor]
That's a good question. In fact, it's one of the most important and most frequently asked questions of the digital business age.
For most small businesses, a Web site is rapidly becoming a basic requirement of a marketing plan. A site can help you reach one or more of the following goals:
· Help customers find you in the offline world – your office, your storefront, your phone number.
· Help persuade customers that you have the right service or product for them
· Help sell products online, even across different marketplaces, to retail customers or other businesses.
That said, it's not enough that you just have a website. You must have a professional-looking site if you want to be taken seriously. Since many consumers now search for information online prior to making a purchase at a brick-and-mortar store, your site may be the first chance you have at making a good impression on a potential buyer. If your site looks like it was designed by a barrel of colorblind monkeys, your chance at making a good first impression will be lost.
It doesn't matter if you're a one-man show or a 10,000-employee corporate giant; if you don't have a website, you're losing business to other companies that do.
And yet it's actually better to have no website at all than to have one that makes your business look bad. Your site speaks volumes about your business. It either says, "Hey, look, we take our business so seriously that we have created this wonderful site for our customers!" or it screams, "Hey, look, I let my 10-year-old nephew design my site. Good luck finding anything!"
Your website is an important part of your business. Make sure you treat it as such.